How Technology Impacts Children - Recommended Reading
by Kaitlyn Gawrylewski
As we maneuver the ever changing world of technology, several questions continue to surface: “what has been the impact of technology and social media on our kids”, “is there anything morewe can learn about it?”, and “what now!?” This article does a wonderful job exploring the “why” regarding how we got here in the first place, the social, emotional, and developmental impact media has had and is having on our children, and thoughts about how to change the experience for future generations.
Note: the article was published in The Atlantic, so you have to have a subscription to access the full article. However, if you use the below website:
— you can copy and paste the article in the text field and it gives you full access.
— Kaitlyn Gawrylewski, MA, BC-DMT, LPC